Beautiful Shaped Sunflower Bouquet


🌻Like so many other fabulous small businesses, we have wanted to do something to support the charities working to bring humanitarian aid (food, water, shelter and healthcare) to those affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. Being a small family business, we were not sure what we could do initially (apart from on a personal level) but have recently discovered the sunflower is the National Flower of Ukraine. ⁠⁠
🌻We will therefore be donating £1 from the sale of each of these cards to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal set up by the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) until the end of the year (or the appeal closes if sooner) ⁠💙💛

🌻I don’t know about you, but there is something about the sunflower that just makes me smile and this stunning, cleverly designed and fully shaped sunflower bouquet card is actually double sided!

🌻The multi layered design is printed onto white hammer, FSC quality card.

🌻Each layer of the cheerful sunflower bouquet is then individually cut before being carefully positioned using crystal clear, silicon free gel glue to add dimension.

🌻The message tag on the front can be adapted for any occasion – birthday, anniversary, get well, Mother’s Day, Just to Say…..

🌻Back of card is reverse of the bouquet (it really is double sided!)

🌻The coordinating, decorative printed insert of this card will be left blank for you to add your own personal message or, if you prefer, we can add a message of your specification at no additional cost – please ensure you supply this carefully as we will print with the spelling, punctuation and capitalisation as supplied and be aware that due to the design there is limited internal message space.

🌻We have taken the Naked Card Campaign Pledge to reduce plastic packaging, and are working towards Plastic Free Champion status,  so the finished card will be supplied wrapped in tissue paper with an envelope and envelope card protector allowing you to ensure maximum protection to the front of the design in the post.

🌻We often recycle the packaging from our deliveries to send our products – this is kinder to the environment and reduces costs to you.

🌻Envelope size approx 20 x 20cm – large letter

🌻The price includes all packing and 1st class, inland UK postage.

🌻Proof of posting will be obtained.

🌻Alternative delivery methods (Royal Mail Tracked and Special Delivery) are also available if you would prefer to include a little added security and peace of mind.  You can request add these to your order by using this link

🌻For more information about Naked Card Pledge Home | Naked Cards



🌻Like so many other fabulous small businesses, we have wanted to do something to support the charities working to bring humanitarian aid (food, water, shelter and healthcare) to those affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. Being a small family business, we were not sure what we could do initially (apart from on a personal level) but have recently discovered the sunflower is the National Flower of Ukraine. ⁠⁠
🌻We will therefore be donating £1 from the sale of each of these cards to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal set up by the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) until the end of the year (or the appeal closes if sooner) ⁠💙💛

🌻I don’t know about you, but there is something about the sunflower that just makes me smile and this stunning, cleverly designed and fully shaped sunflower bouquet card is actually double sided!

🌻The multi layered design is printed onto white hammer, FSC quality card.

🌻Each layer of the cheerful sunflower bouquet is then individually cut before being carefully positioned using crystal clear, silicon free gel glue to add dimension.

🌻The message tag on the front can be adapted for any occasion – birthday, anniversary, get well, Mother’s Day, Just to Say…..

🌻Back of card is reverse of the bouquet (it really is double sided!)

🌻The coordinating, decorative printed insert of this card will be left blank for you to add your own personal message or, if you prefer, we can add a message of your specification at no additional cost – please ensure you supply this carefully as we will print with the spelling, punctuation and capitalisation as supplied and be aware that due to the design there is limited internal message space.

🌻We have taken the Naked Card Campaign Pledge to reduce plastic packaging, and are working towards Plastic Free Champion status,  so the finished card will be supplied wrapped in tissue paper with an envelope and envelope card protector allowing you to ensure maximum protection to the front of the design in the post.

🌻We often recycle the packaging from our deliveries to send our products – this is kinder to the environment and reduces costs to you.

🌻Envelope size approx 20 x 20cm – large letter

🌻The price includes all packing and 1st class, inland UK postage.

🌻Proof of posting will be obtained.

🌻Alternative delivery methods (Royal Mail Tracked and Special Delivery) are also available if you would prefer to include a little added security and peace of mind.  You can request add these to your order by using this link

🌻For more information about Naked Card Pledge Home | Naked Cards

Additional information

tag on front

Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Celebrating your Retirement, With Love on your Birthday, With Love on Mothers Day, For Someone Special, I will supply


Please leave blank, I will supply wording


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